Denizli Became Second in the World in the “One World Cities Competition”

Denizli came second in the world with its projects in the field of water management and climate change in the “International One World Cities Competition” organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
More than 118 cities from 23 countries participated in Denizli in Turkey in the competition, was awarded second place in the category.
The award ceremony, planned to be held in October last year, was decided to be held in each of the relevant cities due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In this context, Denizli Municipality Nihat Zeybekci Congress and Culture the award ceremony held at the Center Denizli Governor Ali Fuat Atik, the AK Party Denizli deputies Hawk T and Ahmet Yildiz, Mayor Osman Zolan, WWF Turkey General Manager Aslı Pasinli, nature and the environment programmer Confidence İslamoğlu, district mayors and NGO representatives attended.
In his speech here, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Zolan said that they received their awards with a delay due to the pandemic.
Stating that after the cities became attraction centers, the environment and the atmosphere started to be damaged, Zolan said, “At this point, as a municipality, we have brought many facilities to Denizli in terms of both solid waste and waste water treatment. We produced electricity in terms of renewable energy from methane gas in these facilities. Our aim is to protect the environment. Until today, we have laid 7 thousand kilometers of infrastructure in the city center. “We will continue on our way by showing the highest level of sensitivity to the negative effects of the environment.”
Director General of WWF Turkey, he said Pasinli Denizli Municipality of the 255 municipalities participated in international competitions in their present plans and commitments on climate change. Denizli Metropolitan Pasinli first as the champion of Turkey is reminiscent of the municipality, “was second in the world then taking a big boost. This is a real pride. I congratulate you very much. All of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey and I think it may have inspired the world, “he said.
Zola, after the speech, “Water Management and Climate Change” took second place with the project award from the Director General of WWF Turkey Pasinli.