Climate march in the shadow of conflicts in Paris

There was a clash between the police and anti-government protesters in Paris, the capital of France.
Police intervened with tear gas to anarchist groups called Black Block who were involved in the climate march on Saturday and the ‘Yellow Vests’ who continued their unauthorized demonstration.
Protesters who tried to be dispersed by riot police set up barricades and set fire to the streets.
The climate activists, who have the right to protest against the global climate strike on the same day in Paris, called on the labor union and the Yellow Vests to join the protests.
The Paris police station has deployed more than 7,500 police officers in the city center due to security concerns. The police were present in the Champs-Elysees, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, the government palace and parliament building, and in the city center. Many areas, including the Champs-Elysees, were closed to protest, and transport was stopped at more than 30 metro stations.
Paris police announced that at least 163 protesters were detained and more than 300 demonstrators in the prohibited area were fined 135 euros each.