Diabetes and the Water You Should Drink
Staying hydrated is important for everyone. Especially if you have diabetes!
Doctor Roberta Lee says, “Our bodies are 60 percent water, 75 percent in our muscles, 85 percent in our brains, like oil in a machine”.
Drinking enough water is particularly important as diabetics. A little dehydration during the day (which is easier than we think) can affect our blood sugar.
This article will explain how dehydration affects blood sugar levels, how much water we should drink each day, who should limit water intake, and what else you can drink if you don’t want to drink plain water only.

How does water affect your diabetes?
When you don’t drink enough water, glucose in your bloodstream becomes more concentrated, which leads to higher blood sugar levels.
Even a mild level of dehydration – something you may not feel – can leave your blood sugar level 50 to 100 mg / dL higher than you drink enough water.
If you are constantly dehydrated on a daily basis, you may be compensating with higher insulin levels than you would need if your body was getting the water it needs.
Severe dehydration is a simple problem, which causes glucose in your bloodstream to become overly concentrated and then rapidly diluted with plenty of fluids.
How much water should diabetics drink every day?
There is no exact rule about how much water you should drink, but there are guidelines we can follow.
The most important advice is to always have water available and drink when you are thirsty. You don’t need to force yourself to drink to reach a specific goal, but try to drink water throughout the day.
Even if you are not thirsty, you should try to drink a few sips of water every hour to avoid getting dehydrated. The thirst reflex isn’t always perfect, especially for people with diabetes.

Doctors advise the average non-diabetic to drink 8 glasses of water a day, so a person with diabetes should definitely take this to their heart. While our insulin-producing friends also need plenty of water, the results of mild dehydration in us with diabetes are more pronounced in our blood sugar level.
8 glasses of water a day means about 2 liters of water.
If you’re exercising or fighting in the summer heat, this number should increase rapidly.
“But even a healthy person’s need for water will vary,” Harvard adds, “especially if you’re losing water through sweat because you’re exercising or being out on a hot day.”
The general rule of thumb for healthy individuals on a hot day or during exercise is to drink two to three glasses an hour to make up for water through sweating.