Gençlerden küresel çapta İklim Grevi: Size ders vermek için derse girmiyoruz

All over the world, young people who hanged school for the environment and took to the streets called on the authorities to take action on the climate crisis.
Millions of students supported the global action held before the United Nations Climate Summit in New York.
The common message of the marches in at least 150 countries from America to the Far East was to take action for nature and to take concrete steps urgently.
Swedish student activist Greta Thunberg initiated the ‘Climate Strikes’, where students did not go to school on Friday and tried to make their voices heard in the squares.
Thunberg, 16, will be the voice of the youth by addressing the leaders who rule the world at the UN Climate Summit. “The sun will soon rise for September 20th. Good luck Australia, the Philippines, Japan and other Pacific islands. We’re starting with you,” the young activist commented on his social media account for the first time today. used the expressions.
The actions started in Australia and other Asia-Pacific countries, where Thunberg also wished for luck.
The message of young people from Turkey: Change the system not the climate
Asia respectively, give at least 15 provinces in Turkey’s young people support the strike spread to Europe and America. Demonstrations were held across the country, led by Fridays for the Future and Zero Future platforms.
The group gathered in front of Kadıköy Pier under the name of “Zero Future” campaign to take concrete steps against the climate crisis in Istanbul, with a banner saying “Unite behind science”, “Unite for climate”, “Climate justice”, “Hello to the sun”, “Climate “Our house is on fire” and shouted the slogan “Change the system, not the climate”. The artists who took the stage at the Zero Future Music Festival held in Yoğurtçu Park gave the message that we are with the young people for the climate.
At least 6 thousand people attended the march in the capital Ankara. Teachers, employees, parents and alumni also supported thousands of students from kindergarten to high school.
There were similar scenes in European cities. It was announced that the participation in 500 demonstrations held in Germany alone was approximately 1 and a half million.
British students, who said, “We do not attend classes to teach you,” filled the squares with banners in their hands. While 100 thousand people attended the protest in the capital city of London, the rate of participation in the demonstrations in other cities was expressed by thousands.
Students are organizing a global climate strike by not attending school for the third time.
Climate Summit at the United Nations
In our world where carbon emissions broke a record last year, ocean levels rise and glaciers melt at an unprecedented speed, the temperature will increase by 7 degrees in 2100 compared to the pre-industrial revolution, according to the worst possible scenario.
Ways to prevent these changes will be sought at the climate summit to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York.
World leaders will discuss the steps to be taken for the climate crisis, such as shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.