Nuclear power is both too slow and too expensive to maintain the climate

Nuclear energy is regressing both in cost and capacity against renewable energy. Because nuclear power reactors are now slower and less economical to reverse carbon emissions. These determinations belong to the recently published World Nuclear Energy Report (WNISR). According to the report, in mid-2019, new wind and solar power generators reached a level that could effectively compete with existing nuclear power plants in terms of cost. In addition, it has become able to generate capacity faster than any other type of power.
“It is urgent to stabilize the climate, nuclear power is slow,” said Mycle Schneider, the report’s main author. Schneider; He said nuclear power is not better, cheaper or faster than other low-carbon competitors in meeting technical or operational needs.
The average time to build a reactor since 2009 is under 10 years, according to the report. According to the World Nuclear Association, this period is 5 to 8.5 years.
“To protect the climate, we must cut the most carbon, the least cost and the least time.” says.
nuclear energy is more expensive
According to the report, nuclear energy is more expensive. With solar energy, the cost of megawatt hour (MWh) of energy varies between 36 and 45 US dollars. The same amount of energy can be produced with wind energy for 29 to 56 dollars, while nuclear power costs 112 to 189 dollars.
According to the World Nuclear Power Status Report, the leveled cost of constructing a nuclear power plant and operating it until the end of its life has increased by 23 percent in the last 10 years. In the same period, the cost of solar energy fell 88 percent and that of wind 69 percent.
While China invested $ 6.5 billion in nuclear energy in 2018, it invested $ 91 billion in solar energy.
While there are many nuclear power plants under construction in China, China has not launched any new nuclear projects since 2016.