United States and EU Decision to Work Together on the Climate Crisis

“We don’t have a better partner on climate change than our friends in Europe and the EU,” said John Kerry, the US Special Envoy for Climate. Now it is very important that we harmonize between us ”.
Kerry, who paid a visit to Brussels to hold talks with the executives of EU institutions on climate change and the environment, made a statement to the journalists at the entrance of the EU Commission.
Noting that climate change is among the top priorities of the US President Joe Biden’s administration, Kerry said, “I came here to discuss climate cooperation with friends in Europe.”
Stating that there was an extraordinary level of cooperation between countries during the Paris Agreement, Kerry noted that now this should be carried forward.
Kerry reminded that scientific evidence on climate change is increasing every year and 2020 is one of the hottest years in history.
Emphasizing that this situation is a “climate crisis”, Kerry stated that economies should be renewed and new technologies and products such as carbon capture, battery and hydrogen fuel can offer solutions in the face of the crisis.
Kerry emphasized that no country can solve the climate crisis alone, and that every country and civil society should fight it together with the private sector, “We do not have a better partner in climate change than our friends in Europe and the EU. “It is very important that we harmonize between us now.”
Stating that trillions of dollars should be spent on combating climate change, Kerry said that the cost of not doing this expenditure for citizens will be higher.
Kerry emphasized that an agreement should be reached beyond Paris at the COP26 Summit to be held in Glasgow this year, and noted that even if all countries fulfill their commitments in the Paris Agreement, global temperatures will increase by over 3.7 degrees.
Noting that people should act with common sense and come together and act together against climate change, Kerry said, “We can achieve this. We have many technologies today. This can be accomplished. Scientists say that action should be taken in the period from 2020 to 2030 ”.
Reminding that US President Biden will hold a climate summit that will bring various countries together in April, Kerry said that raising climate targets will be discussed here.
Kerry said that the next eight months are very important and he looks forward to working with EU officials.
Welcoming Kerry, EU Commission Senior Vice President Frans Timmermans said, “I believe that the US and Europe can work together to move the mountains.”
Stating that he is happy that the USA has joined the Paris Agreement and that the climate issue is high on its agenda, Timmermans emphasized that they will work together for Glasgow to be successful.